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a system of objects

I feel as though I am drowned in a flood of objects my room the tomb of a great pharaoh, I am buried here among my board games in boxes stacked like bones to the ceiling my shelf lined with plastic robots piles of clothes books and comics every surface covered I feel like I am swimming in all this how did I become such a creature of things? a magnet thing begets next thing begets next thing ad infinitum a phone begets a computer begets a headset begets a set of speakers a DVD player a screen a remote and wires everywhere I feel inundated truly inundated every object tells its story a little obsessive story about a thought that turned into a drive that turned into a must have now it is landed here an alien consumed into the tomb unit every object whispers a number some abstract calculation of what it thinks its worth to me a system of objects a lifeless society of the inanimate am I their inmate or their lord? as I lord over all these things I wonder what is missing? what else do I need

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